Challenge Accepted

Sethmi Ekanayake
2 min readApr 5, 2020


“ Again!” baba screamed. Mastering the kick was going to take a while. Up from 5:00 AM, doing the same thing repeatedly, Jackie was finally getting the hang of it, but mastering it was going to take a whole lot of patience and determination. Jackie loved martial arts; despite the amount of energy it took. Waking up, practicing, and doing all over again, this was routine for Jackie. But one day, it all changed…

“Say goodbye Jackie” baba said.” You won’t be back here any time soon.” The room was empty. Drawers were open, with nothing but a few specks of dust were left in them. The door stood ajar. The empty house could only mean one thing. They had left.

“No!” Jackie screamed. “Don’t leave me here!” “ We must go to Australia. We don’t have the money to take you as well” Jackie’s dad said. His parents held back tears as they let him go into Chinese Opera research institute. “ Family isn’t whose blood you carry. It’s who you love and who loves you.”

The school was stricter than Jackie could have ever imagine. 17 hours of constant work, day and night. The workload was too much for a 17-year-old boy to handle, let alone an 8-year-old boy. The school was also kind of like home, despite it being stricter. The sweat, the kicks, everything was familiar, and was for years to come.

“Your time here is done Mr. Chan.” Master said. “But I want to become an apprentice.” Jackie said. “Well, in that case, we can put you with Bruce Lee.” “Bruce Lee! I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee, but I think with his training, I can be the first Jackie Chan.”

Working in the theater, doing stunts, this was Jackie’s life. “Cut!” The directors would yell, “Which do you like? Red or Blue?” the seamstress would ask with their blazing hot temper. Everything was a whole new world in the theater, and Jackie was ready, with his determination and humor. “ Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.”

After Bruce Lee dies, Jackie Chan continues his legacy, and has made many hit movies ever since, with his determination and grit beside him.

“… Jackie Chan recently starred in Rush Hour, bringing more fame to Martial Arts and his ratings were off the charts! Coming to you live from…”

“HEADLINE NEWS: Jackie Chan makes Kung Fu Panda a success!”

At the end of the day, Jackie Chan changed the way people looked at things, and inspired people to be who the are.



Sethmi Ekanayake

My name is Sethmi Ekanayake. I am an 9th-grade student at Tesla Stem High School